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CERTIFIED Businesses

All businesses that have successfully enrolled in and completed training the CERTIFIED Turtle Approved Program will have the CTAP logo displayed within their business. There are three categories for certification and these include beachfront, watersports, and inland. So, all businesses on island have the opportunity for certification.


All businesses participating in the CTAP are required to institute a Sea Turtle Policy Statement, conduct annual sea turtle training sessions for their staff, inform appropriate patron behavior regarding sea turtles, practice appropriate waste disposal, avoid the sale or possession of sea turtles or sea turtle products, minimize harmful runoff from their property, and not engage in illegal sand mining.  In addition, participating businesses are expected to have interpretive sea turtle information on display and know the appropriate response for encountering sea turtles. 



Section 1: Demonstrate Sea Turtle Friendly Establishment Management Defining a Sea Turtle Policy Statement (“Statement”)

The establishment shall draft and implement a Statement that describes the attitude, intentions, and policy of the establishment regarding sea turtle conservation in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis (SKN).


Staff Sea Turtle Educational Workshop (Workshop)

All establishment personnel shall receive periodic guidance and training regarding their roles and responsibilities with respect to sea turtle knowledge, guest education, turtle friendly practices, and contact information for the SKSTMN the Hotline, and the Department of Marine Resources.


Sea Turtle Products Ban

The establishment and its on-duty staff shall not participate in the sale, trade, or consumption of any sea turtle products or living sea turtles on the premises. This includes eggs, meat, oil, shell products, and the turtles themselves.  


Captive Sea Turtle Policy

The establishment shall not hold captive sea turtles of any size, age, or species without the knowledge and consent of the Department of Marine Resources and the SKSTMN.


Alterations of Establishment Land and/or Property

Any construction, expansion, development, change in use, renovation, or similar activity (“Development”) on or near a sea turtle nesting beach shall done in accordance with national law and CERTIFIED TURTLE APPROVED Beachfront Criteria.


Section 2: Demonstrate Effective Management to Minimize Negative Sea Turtle Impacts

Patron Behavior

The establishment shall inform its patrons of the Statement and provide information on appropriate behavior on the beach, in the water, and if a sea turtle is encountered. (See Appendix C for What to Do When You Encounter a Sea Turtle).


Artificial Light Pollution

The establishment shall take accountability for the artificial light pollution it creates and take measures to minimize ambient light and prevent light visibility from the beach.


Section 3: Demonstrate Effective Management to Minimize Negative Environmental Impacts

Waste Disposal

The establishment shall ensure that its waste is properly disposed of in a manner that does not pollute the ocean.


Sand Mining Policy

The establishment shall not participate in or knowingly support any illegal sand mining activities in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis.


Runoff Minimization

The establishment shall implement practices to minimize pollution from runoff, erosion, and air, water, and soil contaminants.


Section 4:  Demonstrate a Contribution to Sea Turtle Conservation in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis

Interpretive Signage

The establishment shall display interpretive signage and literature about sea turtles and protecting the marine environment.


Response to a Sea Turtle Encounter

Staff members shall be well versed in what to do if they encounter nesting, hatchling, or stranded sea turtles.



Sea Turtle Policy Statement_Choi and Eck
Staff Sea Turtle Education Workshop
Staff Sea Turtle Educational Workshop
Monofilament Recycling Bin
© St. Kitts Sea Turtle Monitoring Network 2019
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