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Beachfront Businesses

Beachfront businesses are those businesses located on or near potential sea turtle nesting beaches. In St. Kitts and Nevis, sea turtle nesting occurs year-round and all beaches are considered potential nesting beaches. CTAP Beachfront Criteria focus on successfully sharing the beach with nesting and hatchling sea turtles so that both businesses and turtles can benefit from a healthy and clean beach.


Beach furniture and artificial lighting present the primary issues for sea turtles utilizing the beach. Beach furniture presents an obstacle for both nesting females and hatchlings while artificial lighting is extremely disorienting for both. Removing or stacking beach furniture, such as lounge chairs, tables, and umbrellas, at night and utilizing sea turtle-friendly lighting on the beach allow beaches to be utilized by patrons during the daytime and nesting and hatchling sea turtles at night.


Other criteria address issues such as beach erosion and/or nourishment, proper waste removal, sustainable construction and renovation, beach cleaning, vehicular traffic, and other factors that may affect sea turtles using the beach. 



Section 1 is common to all categories (see common criteria).


Section 2: Demonstrate Effective Management to Minimize Negative Sea Turtle Impacts

Beach Furniture

Umbrellas, chairs, and water sports equipment (“Furniture”) not permanently affixed shall be removed from the beach on a nightly basis and stored in an area that will least interfere with nesting or hatchling sea turtle.


Beach Cleaning

Beaches shall be cleaned of debris and waste, including plant matter, on a regular basis to avoid obstructing nesting or hatchling sea turtles.


Discouraging Nest Predation

The establishment shall not provision food to intentionally attract wildlife to the area, as mongoose, monkeys, and dogs pose a threat to sea turtle nests.


Vehicular Traffic

Traffic from any transport mechanism including but not limited to tractors, trucks, cars, bulldozers, ATVs, motorcycles, horses (“Vehicular Traffic”) shall not be allowed on nesting beaches unless absolutely necessary.


Noise Pollution

The establishment shall minimize loud parties, concerts, or other noisy events on the beach during night hours of the nesting season for the relevant species to the area without consultation of the SKSTMN.


Beach Structure Foundation

All structures located directly on the beach shall have barriers to prevent nesting sea turtles from crawling underneath them without causing harm to sea turtles or other wildlife.


Section 3: Demonstrate Effective Management to Minimize Negative Environmental Impacts

Beach Vegetation

No removal of beach vegetation shall be undertaken without the approval of the appropriate governmental body and the SKSTMN.


Beach Erosion Prevention

The establishment shall utilize natural measures, such as planting appropriate native vegetation, as a preferred option to prevent erosion in place of beach nourishment (the act of bringing sand from an external source to build up a beach). If nourishment is required, the establishment shall consult the SKSTMN prior.


Section 4:  Demonstrate a Contribution to Sea Turtle Conservation in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis

Nest Protection

The establishment shall take measures to protect known sea turtle nests for the duration of the approximately 60-day incubation period.

CTAP Beachfront Businesses
Hawksbill false crawl
Hawksbill false crawl
Turtle on Chair at Carambola Steffi Murt
Photo by Sara Ramirez.
Nest excavation
Nest excavation
© St. Kitts Sea Turtle Monitoring Network 2019
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